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How to grow your Facebook Page. How my Facebook Page grew from 3k to 100k Followers in less than a Year

How to grow your Facebook Page. How my Facebook Page grew from 3k to 100k Followers in less than a Year and my Videos hitting millions of Views. This is what I shared in this Ebook, preorder now for a 25% discount. These are my Proofs: Here's a Screenshot of my Facebook Page, tap on the image to visit the Page. 1. Here's a Screenshot of my Video that has over 20M Views,  Click here  to see it.  2. Here's a Screenshot of my Video that has over 20M Views,  Click here  to see it. 3. Here's a Screenshot of another of my Video that has over 20M Views, Click here to see it. There are many more of my Videos that has reached millions of Views, you can visit my Facebook Page HERE to see them.


If a 29 years old man makes around 70k every month, and he has two major goals that he has planned to achieve in the next 3-5 years: 1. To buy a land (400k) in a good location. 2. To get married (400k). WHICH SHOULD HE DO FIRST IF HE DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO DO BOTH? ♥ TIQS


Anyone without a goal in life is like a lifeless human being. Setting a goal, and achieving that goal is something great to remember whenever it seems you are tired of living. No matter how small a goal is, it is always good to set one. A lot of people have many goals in life and this is what gives them hope for a better tomorrow. It is not enough  to set a goal, but how you plan to achieve that goal is much more important. For instance, if you would like to obtain a graduate degree in the next 5 years, then how do you plan to achieve that goal? Here are some key points to consider when making plans for this example:


WAS IT THE MOTHER'S FAULT? Hello Eveyone and Kudos to the brain and admin of this great group, this is my first post here, my son is two years old today and I want to share his testimony. Few weeks after his one year old birthday, he swallowed the metal inbetween a peg, it was a Saturday and he was playing with his older brother who was 3years old then at the terrace, while I and hubby were loosing ma hair in the sitting room when suddenly the older brother rushed in "mummy freddy is vomiting blood" I rushed to the scene and saw my bowl of pegs on the floor, and freddy vomiting blood and crying, tried hitting his back to bring whatever he swallowed out but

When I was 2

***TIQS*** Section 25 When I was 2 It happened to me again this night but not as bad as it happened when I was 2years. It was a terrible experience though I was a child then, but I learnt about the sad story when I grew up. I was told that there was a party going on at my neighbors’, and the wire they connected passed through our corridor upstairs where we lived.     The wire happened to be naked at a point, and I playfully held the naked wire,

When the Sun Shines

***TIQS*** Section 23 When the Sun Shines The Sun is a very vital part of the human life; it has never risen in the north nor set in the south. It delivers its task joyfully. Although the rain interferes sometimes, the sun knows how important it is, hence wouldn’t mind to give way for the rain to take over sometimes. We Africans complain of the harshness of the Sun, but the Europeans crave for the sun and that is why they have ‘the summer holiday’, when many of them in London travel to countries like Gambia just to go and have a feel of the Sunlight. Just like the Sun, which gives us light during the day, makes our plants grow, gives  us energy and electricity, dries our clothing etc but we are never comfortable when the sun beats us, and gives us heat, yet, we can’t do without the Sun, we need the Sun to live. So it is with our daily life struggles, we need to deal with all these activities, problems, issues to get to our various destinations else we will remain where we


***TIQS*** Section18 Do it well What ever that is worth doing is worth well. If you are facebooking, facebook it well:like people's post, comment on people's post and post interesting stuffs as well. Join a group of your interest and make friends you never can tell where your friendship will lead to or what you stand to enjoy in the future. Stop thinking you are doing anyone a favor by liking post or commenting. Don't you know you are registering your name in their head. You will suddenly become popular simply because people remember you often like their post or comment. Since you are using a smart phone, why don't you tap from the goldmine too? You can gain a lot from the internet. Make your brain work, think about your future, what you wanna do in the future and begin to source for information about it online. Not everyone is an IT literate though but practice makes perfect. What you don't know how to do, ask from someone whom you can access whether physi

One Project at a time

One project at a time. Set goals bit by bit and make sure you focus on one goal at a time with maximum attention to the priority and see it to completion before embarking on another. Tomorrow morning, write your TO-DO LIST, make sure you accomplish all because I will still ask if you did at the end of the day. Lesson- Handling too many goals at a time is most distracting and you are most likely to complete none. TIQS- The Innovative Queen Shares


***TIQS*** section 14 I can imagine how hard you have been working. But the gravity of your hardwork isn't reciprocating by not giving you the desired result. No doubt you work very hard not knowing that it's not just about working hard but working right. You are a Business man and you always have to travel down to Aba to buy goods each time you need to stock your shop-that is working hard. When you can establish a good working relationship with your customers in such a way that they already know your taste/preferences/choice and can waybill your goods to you-that is called working right. You are looking for a job and very early in the morning you leave your house transporting yourself from place to place under the hot sun just to secure a job-that is working hard. You can search online for jobs and submit your CV in as much as 20 companies per day which if you were to go physically to submit your CV, you will hardly cover that much-that is working right. And I can

About the Queen of Ideas Foundation Blog

The Queen of Ideas AKA QueenIdeas is talented in brilliant ideas and strategies. She has a knack for mentoring, writing, presentations, marketing, and business development. She is on a mission to use her passion for topics relating to relationships/marriage, weightloss, marketing, Business ideas/strategies, creative writing, health, entrepreneurship, IT and life in general to impact positively to the society through sharing her talents, skills, experience, knowledge and resources to everyone who cares to benefit.