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How to grow your Facebook Page. How my Facebook Page grew from 3k to 100k Followers in less than a Year

How to grow your Facebook Page. How my Facebook Page grew from 3k to 100k Followers in less than a Year and my Videos hitting millions of Views. This is what I shared in this Ebook, preorder now for a 25% discount. These are my Proofs: Here's a Screenshot of my Facebook Page, tap on the image to visit the Page. 1. Here's a Screenshot of my Video that has over 20M Views,  Click here  to see it.  2. Here's a Screenshot of my Video that has over 20M Views,  Click here  to see it. 3. Here's a Screenshot of another of my Video that has over 20M Views, Click here to see it. There are many more of my Videos that has reached millions of Views, you can visit my Facebook Page HERE to see them.

Finding the right career path

When you are in the wrong career, here are the 4 things that will happen to you:

  1. Confusion: You don't have a clear Vision of what you want to achieve or become in life. You keep changing jobs/businesses because you are never settled in anyone you are in.

  1. Average: you cannot reach your full potential by staying in the wrong career. Here's an example of Madam Mary; Madam Mary was a staff in one of the places I worked before, she speaks different languages fluently: Hausa, Yoruba, Igala, Igbo (native speaker) and of course English but she works as a regular staff in that Company.

I would confidently say that madam Mary is an average staff in that Company where she works as an assistant secretary. Imagine if Madam Mary pursued a career in Languages, by now, she would have made an enviable name for herself and would have created more impact in the society but there she is, wasting away her potentials.

3. Stagnancy: when you are in the wrong career, you will not only lack clarity, you will also lack the ability to grow because you don't have a direction so nothing serious is motivating you to fight for your vision since you don't even have one, as a result, you are not growing from year to year until you are redirected to the right career path, you might not be able to escape stagnancy.

4. Unfulfillment: fulfillment is a level  every sane person would love to attain. You might be rich but unfulfilled which can make a person fill empty and unhappy. 

Imagine when you look back after so many years and regret why you never did some certain things like embracing and developing your natural abilities? Some people even commit succeed as a result.

Unfulfillment can lead to depression and mental instability so you should fight it now by embracing and developing your natural abilities, aligning it with your passion and career, which will invariably lead you into fulfilling your purpose and attaining fulfilment.

If any/all of these is happening to you, it might be a sign that you are in the wrong career.
Never say it's too late to start all over as this is what I am doing with this page; starting all over.

If you noticed, my content tone is gradually changing as I pursue my own career which is mentoring youths through a successful career path and teaching Digital skills.

For a long time, I never knew this can be done as a career because I just do it casually.

Albeit my experience and educational background is in Computer Science and Information Tech  which I am grateful for plus my Consultancy Company in IT with focus on Digital Marketing, I can say I'm 65% in the right career.

Still asking the Holy Spirit for direction, more clarity and wisdom towards fulfillment and I urge you to do same.

Can I get a confirmation that you would...? If you are interested in learning Blogging, click my profile link and click 'Digital Drive Club,' training is starting 4th-11th Sept. Join early and start enjoying other benefits 🤩


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