No one was born with any bad habit, all bad habits were learned at some point in time and most times unconsiously. Before you can get rid of any bad habit, first, you need to admit the habit is bad, then you can learn how to work on it.
5 Common bad habits are:
1. Waking up late: Everyone should wake up early in the morning (5am-6:30am), even if you have no where to go. The reason is that, opportunity can knock at anytime, and you will miss these opportunities if you are still asleep. It is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared.
Just wake up early, and find anything to keep you busy. You can meditate, think up a plan on how to move forward, do domestic chores or even prepare and go to anywhere you can meet people. Just find something to keep you busy.
2. Whiling away time: These include gisting/chatting on social media, argueing, watching movies, idleness or enjoying leisure activities that can't add value to your life. Time is money. A time spent wisely can earn you a fortune. Learn to spend time on improving yourself. You owe yourself a duty to keep improving yourself till you make the best out of yourself.
3. Anger: That is one of the traits easily exhibited by most people. Anger is a great weakness. It blind someone from seeing opportunities. Anger is often accompanied with pride. Pride will prevent/delay you from getting the things you would have easily gotten. Stay away from anger. No matter how legitimate your excuse for getting angry is, just find a way round it. Find another excuse why you will not get angry because you can't think positive when the offender is lodged in your heart. Your energy will be wasted while on plans to reprimand your offender and that can't help you move forward.
4. Procastination: This appear to look mild but it is a very terrible habit. Most times, you will end up not executing a plan or an activity you procastinated. Why are you shifting later what you can do now? Bear the pains and carry a task now so that you can enjoy the dividends later. For every useful action taken there is always a reward. If you wash the dishes now rather than watching movie, you will gain a freedom to spend your time on anything you like later.
5. Doubts: You can't move forward if you are always in doubt. You doubt every opportunity, you doubt everyone and everything, how can you rise if you are too scared to take risk? Most successful people are good risk-takers. Stop showing how wise you are by not taking risk, allow yourself to try even if you end up making a mistake, what matters is what you learn from your mistakes which will add to your experience. Remember! Experience cannot be substituted with money. Experience is a great asset.
Working on yourself is the only project that doesn't have an end date. Keep improving yourself till you get to your best version. Become a substantial icon to be emulated...♥TIQS
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Awesome!🤩 Thanks for your comment! TIQS❤️