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How to grow your Facebook Page. How my Facebook Page grew from 3k to 100k Followers in less than a Year

How to grow your Facebook Page. How my Facebook Page grew from 3k to 100k Followers in less than a Year and my Videos hitting millions of Views. This is what I shared in this Ebook, preorder now for a 25% discount. These are my Proofs: Here's a Screenshot of my Facebook Page, tap on the image to visit the Page. 1. Here's a Screenshot of my Video that has over 20M Views,  Click here  to see it.  2. Here's a Screenshot of my Video that has over 20M Views,  Click here  to see it. 3. Here's a Screenshot of another of my Video that has over 20M Views, Click here to see it. There are many more of my Videos that has reached millions of Views, you can visit my Facebook Page HERE to see them.


***TIQS*** section 14 I can imagine how hard you have been working. But the gravity of your hardwork isn't reciprocating by not giving you the desired result. No doubt you work very hard not knowing that it's not just about working hard but working right. You are a Business man and you always have to travel down to Aba to buy goods each time you need to stock your shop-that is working hard. When you can establish a good working relationship with your customers in such a way that they already know your taste/preferences/choice and can waybill your goods to you-that is called working right. You are looking for a job and very early in the morning you leave your house transporting yourself from place to place under the hot sun just to secure a job-that is working hard. You can search online for jobs and submit your CV in as much as 20 companies per day which if you were to go physically to submit your CV, you will hardly cover that much-that is working right. And I can...

About the Queen of Ideas Foundation Blog

The Queen of Ideas AKA QueenIdeas is talented in brilliant ideas and strategies. She has a knack for mentoring, writing, presentations, marketing, and business development. She is on a mission to use her passion for topics relating to relationships/marriage, weightloss, marketing, Business ideas/strategies, creative writing, health, entrepreneurship, IT and life in general to impact positively to the society through sharing her talents, skills, experience, knowledge and resources to everyone who cares to benefit.